中文摘要:隆起屈曲是覆土管道在熱膨脹的軸向壓力作用下產(chǎn)生的彈塑性形變現(xiàn)象,表現(xiàn)為管道發(fā)生彎曲和拱出地面。管道隆起屈曲現(xiàn)象不僅發(fā)生在海底管道,在陸上油氣田生產(chǎn)領域也經(jīng)常發(fā)生。裸露的管道會在油氣田中構成重大的安全和環(huán)境危害,因此隆起屈曲現(xiàn)象引起了石油工業(yè)技術人員的持續(xù)關注。結合同海外油氣田外方業(yè)主及著名工程設計公司的項目合作經(jīng)驗,介紹海外油氣田工程建設中常用的OTC6335理論、Shell DEP理論、K Peters理論中的管道隆起屈曲實用計算方法并加以實例說明,以期對海外陸上油氣田工程設計及施工起到一定的借鑒指導作用。
Upheaval buckling is a phenomenon of instability of buried pipelines under the influence of axial compressive force due to thermal expansion, causing elasto-plastic deformation represented by pipeline bending andarching-out the ground. The upheaval buckling of pipelines not only occurs naturally for offshore pipelines, but alsohappens ononshore pipelines of oil and gas production fields.As the exposed pipelines pose major safety & environment hazards in oil & gas fields, upheaval buckling has attracted constant attention by technical professionals from petroleum industry. Pipeline Upheaval Buckling Calculation Report is one of the most prime reports required by foreign clients of overseas oil and gas field projects. Combining the experience of cooperation on overseas oil and gas field projects with overseas clients and renowned engineering design consultants, three practical pipeline upheaval buckling calculations theory used in overseas oil and gas field engineering construction such as OTC 6335 papers, Shell DEP 31401016 and Dr. K Peters’ 2006 papers were introduced and illustrated with actual examples, with a view to playing a guiding role in the engineering design and construction of overseas onshore oil and gas fields facilities.